Friday, June 3, 2016

Mandelbox Fractals and Flights

Deus Ex Machina – Example Mandelbox fractal image I created.
Deus Ex Machina – Example Mandelbox fractal image I created.

I’ve previously posted some images of Mandelbox fractals, so this time I’ll write more about them and provide a video I made of various flights through the Mandelbox.

The Mandelbox is a folding fractal, generated by doing box folds and sphere folds. It was discovered by Tom Lowe (Tglad or T’glad on various forums). The folds are actually rather simple, but surprisingly, produce very interesting results. The basic iterative algorithm is:

if (point.x > fold_limit) point.x = fold_value – point.x
else if (point.x < -fold_limit) point.x = -fold_value – point.x

do those two lines for y and z components.

length = point.x*point.x + point.y*point.y + point.z*point.z

if (length < min_radius*min_radius) multiply point by fixed_radius*fixed_radius / (min_radius*min_radius)
else if (length < fixed_radius*fixed_radius) multiply point by fixed_radius*fixed_radius / length

multiply point by mandelbox_scale and add position (or constant) to get a new value of point

Typically, fold_limit is 1, fold_value is 2, min_radius is 0.5, fixed_radius is 1, and mandelbox_scale can be thought of as a specification of the type of Mandelbox desired. A nice value for that is -1.5 (but it can be positive as well).

There’s a little more to it than that, but just as with Mandelbrot sets and Julia sets, the Mandelbox starts with a very simple iterative function. For those who are curious, the fold_limit parts are the box fold, and the radius parts are the sphere fold.

One of the parts that is left deals with what’s called ray marching. Since these types of fractals don’t have a simple parametric equation that can be easily solved without the need for iterations, etc., one must progress along the ray and ask “are we there yet?”. To help speed up this progression, an estimate of a safe distance to jump is calculated (using a distance estimator). Once the jump is made, the “are we there yet?” question is asked again. This goes on until either we get close enough or it’s clear we will never get there. The “close enough” part involves deciding ahead of time how precise we want the image to be. Since fractals have infinite precision/definition (ignoring the limitations of the computer, of course), there’s no choice but to at some point say “we’re close enough”. This basically means we’re rendering an isosurface of the fractal. To see what I mean, refer to both my “Deus Ex Machina” image and my “Kludge Mechanism” image. Kludge Mechanism uses a less precise setting and therefore has less features.
Kludge Mechanism – Example Mandelbox fractal image I created
Kludge Mechanism – Example Mandelbox fractal image I created

The ray marching technique (and distance estimator method) can be used to create a Mandelbulb, 4D Julia, Menger Sponge, Kaleidoscopic IFS (KIFS), etc. as well as non-fractal objects like normal boxes, spheres, cones, etc. But many of the non-fractal objects are better and faster calculated with parametric equations.

Now for the fun part (hopefully). Here’s a video I made using my raytracer. It shows various Mandelbox flights and even a section varying the mandelbox_scale from -4 to -1.5

One of the flights points out an interesting by-product of an attempt to speed up the ray marching. One can specify a bound radius in which anything outside of that radius doesn’t need to be run through the ray marching process. In my “Futuristic City Under Construction” flight, I accidentally set the bound radius too small which cut out some of the Mandelbox. But, in this case, it was, in my opinion, an improvement because it removed some clutter.
Futuristic City Under Construction (Small Bounding Radius)
Futuristic City Under Construction (Small Bounding Radius)
Futuristic City Under Construction (Correct Bounding Radius)
Futuristic City Under Construction (Correct Bounding Radius)

I’ve also created another video showing just Deus Ex Machina but with higher resolution, more detail, and more frames. Even though it’s 1080p, I recommend using the 720p setting.

And another video showing just Futuristic City Under Construction but with much better camera movements, further flight, more detail, more frames, and 16:9 aspect ratio.

To better view these videos on my YouTube channel (with full control) go to:

A lot more can be said on the subject of Mandelbox fractals, as well as a lot more images I created, but this will do for now.

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